Problem Solving Activities

We provide 20 minute cooperative problem solving activities that can be selected to create a series of activities in which teams participate.  For example, teams can rotate through five 20 minute activities in a two-hour program.  Humorous group stretches such as hourglass, windmill, corporate pushups, and quick line-up are excellent icebreakers and warm-ups to get the cooperative juices flowing.  The 20-minute tea building activities are listed below.

Team Aquaduct

In ancient times aqueducts were used to transport to precious water from one point to another.  Your team will have the opportunity to construct an aqueduct using your team members and plastic tubes to create a channel for the water to flow.  The most successful team is determined by the team who has the most water in their reservoir at the end of the time frame.

Stepping Stones

Teams try to cross a given area without touching the ground while using special circular wooden discs.

Blindfold Construction

Half of the team is blindfolded inside a circular area and directed to find parts that are used to rebuild an object by team members who are outside the circle.

Toxic Waste

Teams must lift and pour a material from one container to another without entering the circled off area which the containers are in.  Rope, inner tubes, and team creativity are used to accomplish this thrilling task.


The entire team must move in cadence to collectively travel through a course, all while standing on a "Bigfoot" apparatus.


Spider's Web

Participants pass fellow team members through a "web," in which each hole of the web an be used only once.



Team members are given limited attempts to touch large-numbered keys on the ground.  They complete by reaching the shortest time possible.


Balloon Towers

Participants are given supplies, which including balloons, tape, and minor structural devices.  Each team must construct a tower as high as possible in a 40-minute time frame.


Perfect Square

Team members gather around a circular piece of rope with their eyes closed to form their rope into a perfect square.